Thursday 27 October 2011

on page SEO optimisation

on page seo optimisation of websites

Almost all the websites more or less for business expansion,The main moto of the business websites are to attract maximum number of visitors and alluring them to go through the web content.The web readers may or may not having proper computer literacy,they uses search engins by typing the word of their guess on search box.Nobody is sure enough about what words or phrases would be typed by the reader.These words or phrases are called Keywords.In my earlier blogs I tried to explain the search engine algorithms to some limited extent.Search engines create lakhs of small databases based on the keywords,it does not store the whole websites,it produces the query result on the keywords and ranks the websites on the basis of keyword and content of websites,some sites are listed on the first page of search result,some are on the last pages,no web visitors goes to the last page by clicking next and next,they generally open the sites of their choice on the first page which is supposed to display the the contents of his or her interest or niche.then it is imperative to have the page ranking on the first page atleastif not the #1.Here starts the works of SEO optimisation,it is on page and off page optimisation, here I will deal with onpage optimisation and its impact for getting better page ranking.
On page optimisation is designing the web pages for seo purpose,SEO of webpages without relevancy of web content is not at all ethical,web masters have commitements towards the page visitors,we can not just cheat them,better part of the page optimisation is done by having the relevant and rich web content.But marketting is someting more than that of content of the website,that is the website should have better ranking by the search engines of the majors(Google,MSN,Yahoo etc) to attract the web readers.There are some languages like css, javascript,php,user iterfaces etc which can not be indexed by the crawlers.The most attractive codes is html ,which is very much search engine friendly,a website with rich programming codes of java,php are not properly indexed by the search spider.So the coding of the pages with java and php or other languages must be knitted with HTML codes,HTML codes are close friend of all search engines,Images also are not SEO friendly.For on page optimisation the following contituants to be taken care of.

1)keyword Research,analysis and use

This is most important and vast subject and a lot of systematic Research is required; points to be remembered here are

i)Create an inventry of keywords related to the content

ii)While choosing the keyword broad catagory to be avoided

iii)Keyword should be less competetive

iv)Spying on the meta tag content of the competetors and keywords of the competetors to be avoided

v)Proper use of online keyword tools like Google's Adword tools to choose most fitting Keywords or phrases out of the keyword inventry

vi)Synonyms of the keywords also be crafted in relation to the web content

vii)Long tail or less important keywords may also be identified

viii)use of selected key words be experimented to select the most productive one

Use of keywords

Use of key words is another important aspect of onpage optimisation,it better to use one keyword in URL with hyphen,title tag should contain one or more keyword but within 128 characters,Header of the content can also contain keyword,keyword in the title tag better to be nearer to the tags,in the body section keywords use to be kept limited at 4-5% level,synonyms of the keywords can also be used, long tail keywords be used sparingly for getting better access to the web users.using 'strong' or 'bold'attribute also give result,making the keyword italic is suggested by some SEO masters.

2)Page specific Metatag creation

It is opined by some SEO experts that the relevance of meta tag content no longer exists,some believe in its existence to SEO,latter group opines that the search engine displays the meta content below the title of the content on the search result page,which is a guide to the visitors,hence it should be well crafted,this should include keyword phrases,synonyms and long tails keywords,its the short summary of the content within 160 characters,lot of thinking must be there in weaving the metacontent descriptions.

3)Title tag optimisation -Title oewed bf a web page or blog is very important item in respect of page optimisation, it is the first and foremost item to be viewed by the visitor, an attractive title is an asset for the website,it is the gateway of viewers.The title should contain at least one keyword and one synonyms,Title is the first object for the crawler of the search engine,it should be in bold and italics,it gets indexed easily.The keyword location better to be near the title tag.It is also to mention that it should not loose its relevance and objectivity.

4)Alt tag optimisation-The images are not crawllable by the spider,whatever be the relevance and importance of image in respect to the content,it is always kept aside by the crawllers and not indexed.To overcome this inconvenience the alt tag be used skillfully,such as [img.src=="http://image location.jpg"alt="image description" title="title of the image"] it is better to have the image title having relevance with the subject matter of the  web page which is being optimised.

5)Anchor text optimisation-This tag is generally used for text link,acchor tag is better to have a title with keyword or synonyms or long tail keyword,it should also have to have relevance with the linked page,Anchor texts are easily indexed by the spider of SE.

6)Creation of proper internal links-Creation of proper links and navigations is another important activity for on page optimisations,navigation  and outward links should contain proper and useful anchor text,links are very much SE friendly.

7)Search engine verification in Google,MSN,Yahoo etc-The optimised site should be tested several times with the branded search engines, with keywords and synonyms or long tail keywords,it is the confirmation of the page ranking, and ranking be fixed with some trial and error methods.
These are in short the tips for onpage optimisation,please view this post as and when edited and upgraded


  1. A first things of chose appropriate keywords before do On-page optimization. Meta keywords, meta description and title tag these three things are essential for on-page optimization.

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